August 25, 2008
Sea of love......
August 23, 2008
I shall be released.....

August 17, 2008
August 16, 2008
Talking airhead.......
Morning television may not be known for it's deep and intellectual content and enlightened interview topics, but Danish TV is hitting rock-bottom, when they start to show "funny" photos with "funny" captions swiped of the Internet or from one of the; "Photoshopped" photos with either pseudo philosophic or humorous captions kinda chain mails...At the end of this clip, she tells us about the next feature to be about, are you ready?; Mosquito bites!!!
Apparently the Danish TV see the population as a nation of babbling idiots, but this is also a prime example of the usual fuck ups, vocal as well as written - Note the misspelled sign for "Caribbean"!
- This "blooper" is a tad racial, and this is probably the cause, why someone took the time to subtitle and upload it to YouTube. But I find that the real offence, is what goes on before, during and after the "accident". This is what Danish viewers have to put up with on a daily basis.... What fancy PR agent/ rating agency/demographic interpreter or whoever does this for a living, dreamed up this concept of pure nonsense?
And having to pay good money for this mindless malarkey, is only adding insult to injury......
August 15, 2008
8 days with the mighty Clipper "Stad Amsterdam"

There will be books and maybe, if lucky, a movie too......

August 13, 2008
" Oh, Mama! ... Can this really be the end ?.."
View from my bed at "Moondance"
Sad is this day, when I get up for my last day, in my little paradise.... We say our goodbyes and Pa gives me 2 liters of homemade Coconut oil, clean and with no additives- makes my skin feel like the skin of a newborn babe in arms!
August 12, 2008
August 10, 2008
"Puppet on a string"

August 9, 2008
"You got me flipping like a flag on a pole"

August 3, 2008
"The benches were stained with tears and perspiration......."- B. Dylan -.............. RevisedPost!
We got us a "jumbo"- the flatbed truck, and started out of town.. then the driver got a call, apparently, cause we made a u-turn and went back to pick up a very sick girl - she was about 10- at the country hospital... So now we sat there, taking
Huay Xia; Is the border town to Thailand and like all border towns full of scams and unfriendly people... And travellers/tourists of all origins, but most with only one destination; Luang Prabang... Two days down Mekong on "The Slow Boat" - with a onenight stand in Pak Beng...
We got our tickets to the boat, and we parted ways with our sweet Swedish space cadet, she was taking a tour into the "jungle" pronounced djungle in Swedish-English, (Remember the Swedish woman in "Soap"?) She was going on the "Gibbon experience" - Not withstanding that only very rarely do you see any monkeys, not even the guides! And they charge 380 USD for you "trekking" most of the way and to live in a treetop hut for two nights!... Every one to her own!
We; The really nice Kiwi and I opted for the "Slow Boat"which was something of a let down! You're supposed to fit your Western bum unto wooden benches made for Asian backsides... Not the same size...! They were about 20-30 cm wide!!!! But after all the in dept discussion in Xian Kok, of my least favorite anatomy parts (Ass, legs and over-arms and some giggly remarks from the Burmese about the uncomprehensible size of my nose) I was not gonna be the first to make a comment! In the end I sat my self on the mountains of backpacks and were finally able to relax... The boat was chock full of "Tour bussing/Package trip" from Chiang Mai, Thailand... Backpackers in all shapes, forma and origens... (Also with a noticeable difference in walletsize) A lot seemed to have been hurt, as several came in crutches, arms in slings and in general disrepair! It was excruciatingly uncomfortable... But must have been hell for the injured, but they managed with a bottle or two of Vodka...+ the cold BeerLao for sale on board.
Supposed to leave at 8:30, we only had to wait for the last 3-4 "Falangs' come leisurely strolling down the hill at 9:45 - Grrrrr!! But thank The great Naga (The river god) we had a change of boat, now with fewer wooden benches and the whole area up front with just the planks and nothing else; which meant one could lay down... And actually stretch your legs as well... for another 8 hrs..........!!!!!