March 29, 2009

My lost week- never mind the end!

Somehow this week got lost in sheer tiredness, - not only from work, but also of the state of the globe.. I've been searching far, high and low for something to grab my attention and fire me up - just enough to write a post about it... But no such luck or rather maybe the collective apathy of the financial crisis has caught me too?

 People around me, were already heading towards a more selfish attitude, before this mess started - but now it's getting ridiculous! "F... everyone - I've got me and mine to save!! " - This seems to be the mantra now.
 Forgotten are the people in Gaza, Darfur, DR Congo, Tibet, Afghanistan, Iraq and everywhere else where poverty and human suffering is so boundless, that "Finance Crisis" sounds like yet another brand-name for a commodity, to costly to even dream about...

So I thought we needed the sweet voice of a "beautiful junkie" [with all, what that implies] to say something of pulchritude - to lift us up, not where we belong, but where the air is less thick with ego frenzy....... 


capac said...

Well, Gabs, "always look on the bright side of life". Maybe there is something good in the "financial crisis"?!

Gabs said...

Thank you - This was nice, unexpected and very un egofrenzied (",)

Your Blogosphere friend