March 30, 2009
March 29, 2009
My lost week- never mind the end!
Somehow this week got lost in sheer tiredness, - not only from work, but also of the state of the globe.. I've been searching far, high and low for something to grab my attention and fire me up - just enough to write a post about it... But no such luck or rather maybe the collective apathy of the financial crisis has caught me too?
March 23, 2009
Let's rattle our funny bones!
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Neil Gaiman | |||| | ||||
March 21, 2009
Letters from Gaza - Now collected -

Dear Brothers and Sisters;
Our Diary "Remaining Human" - now becomes a book!
And within the book; the story of three weeks of bloodshed,
written to the best of my ability, in situations of extreme insecurity. Often transcribing, in the midst of the surrounding inferno, on a crumpled notebook, bent over, in an ambulance with the siren racing....
Frenetically tapping the keys on a computer of luck
within buildings shaking as crazy pendulums by the explosions all around.
Be advised that only leafing through this book could be dangerous,
pages are harmful, soiled with blood,impregnated with white phosphorus and sharp splinters of explosive.
If read in the quiet of your bedroom, walls will echo of
our screams of terror,
and I worry for the walls of your hearts
I know not yet how to soundproof them from pain.
Set the volume right, just to be sure - Near the children; This to enable them; To know right now about a world, which are not far away, where indifference and racism are intact, and where children treat their peers, as were they rag dolls.
In such a way; Maybe a vaccination at an early age, will help
against this epidemic of violence and lead towards the other face of injustice and sloth.
For one day being able to Remain Human.
The proceeds of the book by the author; IE Vittorio Arrigoni, myself!
Will go ENTIRELY to the children of Gaza! All of them surviving victims of this horrendous massacre-
To ensure that their wounds can heal quickly....
(And give back my part and help those of Il Manifesto at the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution, website:, to fund a series of games and social assistance aimed at children, who were severely injured or traumatized).
Despite attractive offers; Like a tour around Italy with Noam Chomsky, I've decided to stay in hell, here in Gaza.
Not only because I am very difficult to evacuate from this open-air prison (An Israeli government spokesman said: "He arrived by sea, he'll have to leave the Strip by sea"), but above all; Because there is yet much to be done and most violated human rights on these moors, are often missed by the outside world.
Promoting my book from here, with the support of all those who have demonstrated friendship, brotherhood, closeness, empathy.
I ask you to buy some books and try to sell them if not almost door to door, to friends and acquaintances, work colleagues, fellow university fellows
volunteers, of life.
And further still, to propose it to a library -aggressive libraries interested in a project of truth and solidarity.
Go to the centers for social and cultural associations close to where you are.
We could organize readings in various cities, (I could speak by phone, the events would be advertised on The Manifesto, on our blogs and Internet sites)
and this could also be an interesting opportunity to count, to know,
and to bound.
We are not few, are many,and we can really count - believe me!
The book can be found right now at newsstands with Il Manifesto. And soon in bookstores. (Only in Italian as of yet!
Yours, but never tamed;
March 17, 2009
Stewart Vs Cramer - Uncut version!
This interview will go down, as a great moment for good, serious and well researched journalism as opposed to the light "Snake oils" version we're seeing more and more of!
A room of her own - In Amsterdam

First day of spring in Denmark
Happy glorius day of spring to everyone who lasted all through grey Danish winter !- And happy St. Patricks day to all Irish ! - may you soon see real and lasting peace!
March 16, 2009
Denmark's strict immigration regulations
Reality in Gaza ....
While on the subject of forgotten realities; Here's one from Gaza - The video was uploaded in Nov. 2006 - Don't think that it has gotten any better since! - Wrangle 5 min out of your busy Twitter/Facebook/Myspace/Whatever social media, which takes your fancy and watch a bit of this great Documentary; "Occupation 101" - I have posted the full movie before!-
The isolation of the abandoned !

March 15, 2009
Changing his name from Brown to Blue...
March 14, 2009
PeaceVideo from India - Last post from LazyBoneProd.
Late in the evening
March 13, 2009
Anouar Brahem - Leila au pays du Carroussel
March 12, 2009
Interview with Dalai Lama. 50th anniversary of Chinese invasion of Tibet!
Dalai Lama speaks up, unusually harsh against the Chinese! Just about time!!