This is an old conversation (2000) with Philip Gourevitch, the writer of a book about the genocide in Rwanda and who just published a book/article about Abu Ghraib in Iraq... A very interesting man.... Enjoy!
November 29, 2008
November 27, 2008
November 24, 2008
Search and you'll find.....Faster than ever! from Julius Eckert on Vimeo.
November 23, 2008
This is just a teaser, while we wait for the site to come back on... Strange, that they haven't learned it by now and that 10 million hits on the first days, might be expected.....
"Life" is how you see it.....!

Er det et løfte eller en trussel? - Post in Danish/Dansk

November 22, 2008
The Beatles - I'm only sleeping
While we're at it, down on Memory Lane;
This one has nothing to do with the White Album... It's from "Revolver", my first LongPlaying mono record, given to me by my mother....I just added it as a treat - Cause it's so nice even with a bit annoying but very innovative (back then, that is!) backwards guitars!
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
Lying there and staring at the ceiling
Waiting for a sleepy feeling
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
Somehow, this is exactly how, almost everyone in my family, feels about the sacred act of sleeping!
It's 40 years ago today.... Sgt. Pepper told the band to play;
-"While my guitar gently weeps" - The Beatles ; "The White Album"
Released in the UK on Nov 22. '68 and Nov 25. in America.
One of the best albums ever... If not the best double album ever released!
This song and George Harrison's guitar sound especially, always remind me of; A scratchy jukebox, in a dusty youth club, in a small village in Spain.... I made friends with this young boy (about 14 - and me, being about 12) And after having played Eight-ball Pool on a old lopsided, moth eaten table for an entire evening; He very gentleman-like insisted on walking me home, every night! - Being very cavalierly about the fact, that me and my family stayed at the monastery..... a 45 min. walk up a small mountain...- It was properly more than the guitars, that gently wept.... when the poor lad finally made it back home...
Web-Life is sweeter than ever!
November 21, 2008
Oh, Barack, I do, I do, I do.... -And darn'it -yes I can!

Hillary has (maybe) just accepted Barack's offer to be the Secretary of State in the Obama administration...

"Where's all the white women at?" - Blazing Saddles
If you follow the link to Comedy Central, you'll see the best of "Black Presidents" sketches... Funny, how times changes..... and how fast they do it! But still.... The amount of violent "race crimes" ( and these are whites against black) and murder threats that have been issued since 4.Nov.... is truly staggering!
November 17, 2008
Lights will guide you home... And love will live forever

"A hope beyond the shadow of a dream" - J. Keats

November 15, 2008
Let's read a Book; Altogether Now!

Who? Substitutes? What?

Wanted to write a post about substitutes and what it involves.... for me, that is! And this is, after having my fill of wannabes, nearly's and almost's, but not quite's...
November 13, 2008
The Broken Maverick
The Broken Maverick
The original Maverick, old, forgotten and broken – lost in the Pearsonville Junkyard.
Visit the set page for more information.
Night, full moon, 2 minute exposure, natural flashlight, lime gelled strobe flash.
Larger than life. ......
Uploaded by Lost America on 5 Nov 08, 9.12AM PST.
This description of an abandoned car, sorta' reminded me of John McCain and his Maverick battle-cry... Even the date, "Lost America" chose to upload this photo on Flickr'......!
November 8, 2008
The first amendment (Freedom of Religion, Press and Expression) in all its glory!

Being a Dane, it's a bit difficult for me to understand the burning passions of partisanship in America. I read a short Blog Post on Politico written by Ben Smith, I might showcase my ignorance, by stating that I don't really know, who he is. But his post about Obama's alleged phone call to Nancy Reagan, to apologize for a offhand remark, at his first Press conference as Pres. elect, has generated more than 3.000 (!!!!) comments and some of them are so vile, mean and ignorant, that I'm very surprised, that they haven't been deleted by the editors on the Politico site. The commentators are calling Obama everything from plain stupid to a Marxist (?)
- Maybe it's the two party system in the US, that creates these feelings of "Us and them", I don't know... But the ferociousness, some of the comments are displaying and their hateful nature is truly scaring, as the mounting assassination paranoia is spreading like wildfire. The amount of Die hard Republicans who're already campaigning for an impeachment of Barack Obama is staggering.... And he's not even President yet, but still in the "Lame Duck" period - This is gonna get ugly!
Here's the press conference - Just in case... Incl where Obama calls himself a "Mutt" - Seems like the new president is rather loose about the issues of race...! Which earns points from someone like me... Being kinda a mutt myself!
November 6, 2008
Heard it through the grapevine;

If you think that by electing Obama, America is now in its "a post- racial society" beginnings; Do not be fooled ! This is what I found on the forums of; "Barack Obama is the secret son of Malcom X " !!!???
Even now, after they lost the elections, they are still spreading lies, smears and untruths..
Last night, while waiting for the result. A CNN reporter asked a little old lady, waiting in line to vote, why she'd vote for McCain and this is what she said not being able to call Obama by name; " That man is bad, he's been planted here, as to destroy us all. And he's a muslim too"
Clearly the McCain robo-calls and the smear campaigns has worked!
All the dirty stuff is masterminded by a former Karl Rove pupil, the very same, who smeared John McCain himself in 2000, by spreading the rumors about his adopted black daughter being, infact his own. That McCain actually hired the same guy, who he'd wanted to send of to hell 8 years ago... still amazes me.
A sweet day after a hard night!

This is the eve of the day after.... History was written before our wide open eyes.. . As I'm 50 years old, I can say I've been "witness" to several historic events; The assassination of JFK, Watergate, Glasnost, the fall of the Berlin wall, 9/11 and now this; The election of the first Afro American into the oval office. This will have such an impact on American society, on the psyche of the black youth and I think this will ultimately bring a profound change to how we perceive each other, not as black, brown or white, but as human beings.
The black community now have a true role model , when climbing the social ladder and education could cease to be a "Whites Only" aspiration "Do your home work, Leroy! And you can become the President of the United States" ! (In some urban areas, there's a 70% high school dropout in the black areas!) But the racial climate is obviously changing and fast! Maybe the creators of "24" would like to receive a handwritten note from Barrack, as thanks for doing the unthinkable; Casting a black actor as US President Palmer in the popular TV-series. Also a thought to the creators of "The Westwing" would maybe in order. This was yet another TV series, which at the time had, what seemed an outlandish casting choice of a Latino as the leader of the free world. - Remember; It's was only in '81, that MTV first aired and they didn't have any black artist on-screen before 1983!!!- This is truly mind boggling!!
PS. The world saw the first black - and youngest Formula 1, World Champion in Lewis Hamilton today! - But the medias need to to mention color, only shows ,that we still have a long way to go!
It all seems a bit empty and hushed today. My glasses are no longer fogged up, (I even saw Colin Powel choke up, let alone Jesse Jackson who was actually bawling his eyes out!) - and I can safely put William Safire's Political Dictionary back on the shelve. To gather dust until the next time, I don't get what they're going on about, when I have a hard time, deciphering the political terminology especially the American variety!
Obama has been called passionless, boring and like an open book. But when I see him looking, touching, holding and kissing his wife. I see a couple who is still in love after 16 years of marriage and everything but, passionless. They look sexy together. When you see other presidential couples ( Think of the body language of John and Cindy McCain - I've never seen him touch her?!) giving each other chaste pecks on the chin and at the most, holding hands. Last night his presentation of Americas first lady, came straight from the heart. We felt it all the way through the television screens. It's so refreshing to finally see a mature, equal and adult relationship who seems like they still enjoy each others company - in bed too.....!
This is something I've been wanting to say , because nobody has mentioned it.
I can't wait to see what Michelle Obama will do, when in the White House. A woman with such a tremendous intelligence and knowledge will be exiting to watch.
We have about 75 days to get used to the fantastic idea of a black family (and their new puppy) in the white house. In February his color will no longer be an issue, then he'll just have to prove his worth as a president, who has some monumental challenges in the inbox; First and foremost the economy but there's also quite a few security issues i.a. Iran, Russia, North Korea, China.... Oh! And then there's a couple of wars initiated by his predecessor and the list goes on. While he's busy assembling his administration, the next few weeks will be a loud and persistent buzz from the flying rumors of the power game now shifting into gear; Who's gonna take what office? This so called "Lame Duck" period will be intense because of the gravity of the financial situation. I bet this will keep us glued to each of our favorite media, just like these last months of intense campaigning has.
After January 20. all eyes will be on Barack Obama, his staff and thee first 100 days of change. Uh, I can hardly wait....
November 5, 2008
"Ch, ch, changes......." Or " Sweet Home, Chicago!"

While gently sipping my coffee & brandy and truly enjoying the ice cream, I witnessed history in the making;
Barack Hussein Obama, the first, very first Afro-American president of the United States;
His hair has turned grey during this campaign and his figure a bit gaunt but he fully embodies the American Dream in its truest form. And has achieved a victory over bigotry and double standards of which America has formerly been so known!
He did it!! He bloody well did it! And the numbers are so very clear; Over the double electoral votes than McCain, it leaves no room for doubt, what so ever! Even took Virginia ! A Republican state sine L.B. Johnson in 1964....!!
What a remarkable achievement!! Though I'm no huge-crowd lover, I would have liked to be in Chicago tonight.... Or anywheres in the US really....!
The images of the European reporters sounding a bit condescending or holier than thou, while standing in front of The White House, they'd speak about the racial under and over tones in these electoral races, and naming Selma, Alabama and southern segregation not even 50 years ago... Still lingers on. But the fact is; Europe is no further, than USA was yesterday! When you see the "class photos" of the heads of states, in this part of the world, you see nothing but elderly, white men and a single middle aged white woman! And the mere idea of someone from an minority group, holding the top office, is an impossibility even in this day and age. Again America came first in a feat as unthinkable as Mans first steps on the moon.
Now I'm hearing the " I won " speech in front of the 70.000 ticket-holders in Grant Park, Chicago - The windy city, with a couple of hundred of thousands more, outside the heavily guarded park site. We wore told that he'll speak behind a double panel of bullet-proof glass, now starts the paranoia of an early demise, "Strange American Fruit" style. -I didn't see no panel of glass ?!
It was a somber speech, no crowd shouting/ rally chanting about it. It was a "Steady now" speech; There's huge obstacles and challenges up ahead! - A man ready to be the 44. president of America, contrary to what so many has said all these last months.
John McCain was most gracious in his "I lost" speech, but Little Miss Pipe Dream, looked like a sore looser, hardly containing the tears... Must be the exhaustion and battle fatigue!
This must be a bittersweet night for President Obama (Gee, Just being able to write that!!) who lost his grandmother Toot, where he grew up, only two days ago. - She didn't get to see him, in his proudest moment....
But at least the uncles, aunts and cousins get to feast on a cow back in the village in Kenya.
And we? Well, we will now go to bed, knowing that the world is not set in its ways and is forever changing. Change can sometimes be frightening and hope can sometimes be elusive to hold. But I do think, that Barack Obama will be able to change some of the mistakes done by the former administration. And I'm sure that the convicts in Guantanamo and the troops in Iraq will now have hope, that their plight and suffering will soon be over!
November 4, 2008
A night to remember..... Maybe...?!

November 2, 2008
All souls day; Nov.2.

I once read a book by Malcom Lowry called "Under the volcano". It made quite a impact and when I later saw the John Houston film with a stellar performance by Albert Finney as the drunken alcoholic consul in Mexico; it made me weep in public places. The whole book takes place in one and as it turns out; the final day of the consuls life Nov. 2.; "The day of the Dead" or "All souls day" as it's called in Europe.
November 1, 2008
Exodus on the roads of Goma, DR Congo.

My life is no bed of roses... these days...! Sat with good friends and whined about it, for a couple of hours, this afternoon. Bought some of the favorite ice cream on the way home, made some food and turned on the news...