November 22, 2008

It's 40 years ago today.... Sgt. Pepper told the band to play;

-"While my guitar gently weeps" - The Beatles ; "The White Album"
Released in the UK on Nov 22. '68 and Nov 25. in America.

One of the best albums ever... If not the best double album ever released!

This song and George Harrison's  guitar sound especially, always remind me of; A scratchy jukebox, in a dusty youth club, in a small village in Spain.... I made friends with this young boy (about 14 - and me, being about 12)   And after having played Eight-ball Pool on a old lopsided, moth eaten table for an entire evening;  He very gentleman-like insisted on walking me home, every night!  - Being very cavalierly about the fact, that me and my family stayed at the monastery..... a 45 min. walk up a small mountain...- It was properly more than the guitars, that gently wept.... when the poor lad finally made it back home...

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