Hallelujah... The truce in Gaza lies in the air, and yet again the perfect timing! No need to hash that one about... There's only 2 days to go, before the US inauguration. Now only "Honour" & "Loss of face" is barring peace; Who gives in... first!
On Tuesday Obama will become the 44. President of America and the door closes behind a man, who leaves a legacy of..... of.... of.... eh,.. misses and disasters... and..... eh, erphm... - Well now, aside of going down in the books as the worst Pres. ever. - We then saw; a increased power to the Vice President and the rise to world supremacy for all the members of the new club of "NeoCons", a word, a name, a threat to humankind as we know it, that we hadn't heard about 8 years ago! (That George W. were allowed to hold the reigns for that long, says a lot about the people of the United States and their views of not only themselves and their own piece of land, but also about the rest of the world!) In this 8 year period; US has severed ties to the outside world and build up a image as a warmongering, war profiting country with a buffoon at the helm - But the smoothness of Obama will help to alter that image and now we're just counting down to Tuesday 20/1 -2009 -
America's state of health is at rock bottom level! The inhabitants and their country is poorer, sicker and at places; Even beyond repair... This is environmentally as financially... So much more than in 2001.. There's war going on in two different places and these are wars with the help of allies;The vassal states called in, on a false pretext in Iraq... Lives lost and smashed beyond recognition for the combatants: All these young men and women, the future of the nation; crossed out - all on a lie, someone dreamed up, because he wanted a German car and believed by a state headed by a man, who was loosing ground, votes and power.. It's an ancient strategy; To divert attention from one's own weaknesses, you point at someone else... Forgetting, that when you're pointing out, there's always at least, two fingers pointing at yourself....
Now the stage is set for a new man, seen as a saviour by most of the world.... And the roar of complaints will be thundering, when he falls through on our sky high expectations, and fail he will, the expectations are inhumanly high and not even a man with superpowers would be able to meet them.
But I'm so sorry, because I have a sinking feeling that he will be a huge disappointment.... If you read through my old posts, you'll see, that I was rooting for him like a woman possessed and where in high spirits and cried tears of joy, on the night he won!
And then, I won't say a word about Hillary, the new Secretary of State who looks like something the cats dragged inside, in despair! I've never seen her, not even when her campaign was at the most exhausting, look so tired, so worn out and with such deep, dark lines under eyes as now... and the fun hasn't even begun yet! - Makes me wonder, if she's up for it - physically, I mean... Cos, she's also one of the most driven persons in American Politics, - besides Karl Rove and Dick Cheney ofcause....
In Gaza the last 23 days have been hell on earth and all the daily border harassment, the many months of blockade, the occasional grenade bombing somewheres strategic, and the hard life, lived on foreign aide, (because of the blockade, there a 80% unemployment rate in Gaza!) turned into nothing, when pure violence, death and mutilation became the order of the day ... Fear became 24/7 as there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide... The Israelis gave a 3 min warning before bombing your house! - How can you sleep? If you know that anytime, you'll get such a warning, and then you'll have to run for your life, carrying the old and the infants, leaving behind everything you own and have in this life...! So on top of the fear and the horrifying images in your head ( You, know; the photos you can't stand to look at, in the comfort of your home? This is real life for everyone living there, these images will stay in the minds of all the little children, teen-agers, young parents, the middle aged and the ancient...) And to top this trauma, it will be the images of loved ones.....
Gaza has within the 22 days been turned into a severely traumatised strip of land; 1,5 million inhabitants, where all survivors is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress syndrome, all at once and with only a handful of doctors able to handle this.... Oh, and then there's no food,medicine,fuel, electricity, water, no working sewage,(It's flowing in the streets = Cholera!) no schools, only a few hospitals, etc etc....)
Today there will maybe be a truce, peace will maybe come to a place, which have been bombed back to the Stone age..... But at least there will be no more nightly bombing and those, who still have a bed, will be able to lie down and maybe with a bit of luck, shut of the nightmare outside...
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