January 14, 2009

Uncensored photos - When words escapes me..

Have made a "Pictures only" page, right now it's photos from Gaza and let me issue a warning right away! They are heartbreakingly grahic.... Not for the faint hearted of us!

Link to "Pix Uncensored"


BABS said...

Thankyou Gabs, for continuing to gather information in one place that tells us what is going on.

I don't know if I can cope with the pictures only page having reached a point where I was unable to sleep due to images and feelings of absolute helplessness and hopelessness and mute rage.

But to see the facts is to bear witness. At least we can do that, from our remote and safe distance. I am now speechless about the turning of events in Gaza, numb and shocked.

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

I'm going to your uncensored pics. It is something I need. (My muse demands it of me.)

Case Wagenvoord said...

Thank you for your efforts. I've been cross-posting them and forwwarded them to our minister who is finally going to speak out about the atrocities.